Can You Drink White Wine With Invisalign?

Can You Drink White Wine With Invisalign?

As the top Invisalign provider in Valdosta, Georgia, we are often asked about drinking white wine with Invisalign. Many patients want to enjoy a glass of Sauvignon blanc or Pinot Grigio in the evening but want to know if they can leave their Invisalign in with a Wine Night with the Girls.

Enjoying white wine with Invisalign requires a bit of consideration to maintain your orthodontic treatment’s integrity while still savoring your drink.

Invisalign aligners are removable, which is advantageous when consuming beverages like white wine. However, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Remove Your Aligners: Before drinking white wine or any other beverage (except water), it’s essential to take out your Invisalign trays. The plastic material of the aligners can be affected by the compounds in wine, potentially causing discoloration or warping of the aligner material.

2. Time Your Wine Consumption: It’s advisable to enjoy your white wine during mealtime rather than sipping it continuously. This allows you to drink and then promptly remove your aligners, minimizing the time the wine has contact with them.

3. Maintain Oral Hygiene: After consuming white wine, it’s crucial to brush your teeth before reinserting your aligners. Wine contains sugars and acids that can promote bacterial growth and potentially lead to dental issues if left trapped against your teeth by the aligners.

4. Rinse Your Mouth: Swishing water in your mouth after drinking white wine can help reduce the wine’s residue and acidity before putting your aligners back in.

5. Clean Your Aligners: Before reinsertion, ensure your aligners are clean. Use a gentle brush and mild soap or the recommended cleaning crystals provided by your orthodontist to gently scrub away any residue.

White wine, though less staining than red wine, still contains acidic properties that can affect the appearance and integrity of your aligners if they come into prolonged contact. While occasional consumption may not cause significant damage, it’s best to be cautious and follow these steps to minimize any potential harm.

Remember, moderation and proper care are key. Your orthodontist’s guidance should always take precedence, so if they have provided specific instructions regarding beverage consumption, it’s essential to follow their advice.

Invisalign treatment requires commitment to wearing the aligners for the recommended duration each day, typically 20 to 22 hours. Ensuring that you maintain proper care and follow guidelines when consuming any beverage, including white wine, will help you achieve optimal results while enjoying the occasional glass.

Contact Souther Smiles Dental Care today if you are considering Invisalign or any dental treatment.