We offer sedation via inhaled nitrous oxide to make your dental procedure as comfortable as possible while allowing Dr. Brett Hester to complete your treatment with great precision and efficiency. Sedation dentistry makes dentist visits tolerable for patients with dental phobias, and makes longer procedures more comfortable for everyone. Dr. Hester monitors nitrous oxide levels throughout the procedures performed at our Valdosta, GA, dental office to ensure patients remain under a safe level of conscious sedation.
What is Nitrous Oxide?
Nitrous oxide, more commonly referred to as “laughing gas,” is an inhaled sedation method. Unlike other forms of sedation that either leave patients unconscious or in a barely conscious state, nitrous oxide allows patients to stay alert. You can ask Dr. Hester questions and respond to any instructions he has during the procedure. Nitrous oxide simply helps you to feel more relaxed and less anxious during a procedure.
Nitrous oxide allows you to be awake and alert during a dental procedure without experiencing any anxiety or fear.
When is Sedation Used?
Sedation is safe and available for patients of all ages. Most patients receive nitrous oxide for longer procedures, such as root canal therapy or tooth extraction. This ensures patients remain comfortable and relaxed the entire time. Other patients may suffer from dental fears or anxieties. These patients can benefit from sedation even for shorter and simpler procedures, such as fillings and crowns.
Overall, nitrous oxide is safer for a larger majority of patients than oral or intravenous (IV) sedation methods.
Prior to starting treatment, Dr. Hester places a small mask over your nose. He will ask you to breathe normally, and as you do, you will feel yourself beginning to relax. You may notice a heaviness in your arms and legs, which is normal. The effects wear off soon after Dr. Hester removes the mask.
Are There Any Risks?
Nitrous oxide is one of the safest forms of sedation, as there are few risks involved. Patients with certain medical conditions, however, could be at risk for serious side effects. Before administering sedation, Dr. Hester carefully reviews each patient’s medical history to avoid the risk of serious complications. Patients with medical conditions affecting the blood, respiratory system, or sinuses may not be candidates for nitrous oxide.
Overall, nitrous oxide is safer for more patients than oral or intravenous (IV) sedation methods. The effects of inhaled sedation take just a few minutes to wear off, so patients can safely drive themselves home after their dental procedures. Because Dr. Hester has full control over the level of sedation administered, patients can feel confident they are in good hands.
Contact Us to Learn More
Whether you suffer from dental anxiety or you have concerns about a lengthy procedure, sedation dentistry can ease your fears and help you relax. Dr. Hester can answer any questions you may have about the safety and effectiveness of nitrous oxide when you meet with him for a consultation before any procedure. Contact our office online or call (229) 247-3400 to learn more about inhaled sedation.