Few people would say they look forward to undergoing root canal therapy, but the restorative treatment can provide immediate relief from pain. Advanced infections can jeopardize the health of your entire mouth. Unaddressed infections can even lead to life-threatening complications. To relieve your pain and restore oral health, Dr. Brett Hester offers safe and comfortable root canal therapy for patients in and around Valdosta, GA.

When are root canals performed?

Root canals and tooth extractions are performed to treat dental emergencies. Both treatments address complications that result from advanced bacterial infections. While the two treatments address similar dental problems, root canal therapy preserves your natural tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

If a bacterial infection reaches the inner pulp of your tooth, a root canal infection can result. The sensitive bundle of nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that constitute the inner portion of your tooth is particularly susceptible to infection. Root canal infections tend to spread quickly and cause intense oral pain. To treat this type of infection, Dr. Hester can perform safe and effective root canal therapy. Once the bacterial infection is removed, you can benefit from restored oral health and the retention of your natural tooth.

Treatment Overview

Root canals and extractions are performed under the skilled hands of Dr. Hester, who maintains memberships with several professional dental associations. At all times, Dr. Hester will consider your level of comfort throughout your treatment.

After using local anesthesia to numb your tooth and underlying soft tissue, Dr. Hester will drill a hold in the top of your tooth. Through this opening, the diseased tissue will be removed. Then, the inside of your tooth will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before a special material is placed to fill your treated tooth. A restoration will be used to seal your tooth and ensure that an infection does not return.

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In the days following your root canal treatment, you want to pay attention to any increase in discomfort, which may be a potential sign of a failed root canal. Swelling can be managed with an ice pack in most cases. Eating soft, nutritious foods can also aid in recovery. It is also advisable to skip exercise for a few days to avoid unwanted complications.

In the event that your infection is too advanced or the root canal treatment fails, a tooth extraction may need to be performed.

Tooth Extraction

Before your tooth is extracted, local anesthesia will be administered to ensure that you are comfortable throughout your procedure. Depending on which tooth is extracted and if it is impacted, an incision will be made in your gums before a special tool is used to gently loosen and extract your tooth. Once your tooth is removed, gauze will be used to control bleeding.

Patients should rest for the remainder of the day following either outpatient procedure. You will be given detailed recovery guidelines that are to be followed closely.

Schedule Your Root Canal Today

A root canal infection can be treated as a dental emergency. The vast majority of root canal treatments are successful and allow patients to retain their natural teeth. If you are experiencing significant oral pain, call our office at (229) 247-3400 and a member of our dental team will provide advice on how to address your symptoms.


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